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The stash of love letters from army buddies among a pile of old physique magazines he finds in the trunk tell a story Cole had never suspected. Taking a nostalgic survey of the attic, he opens his father’s army footlocker. THE CHEST – THE FRONT LINES: Diego de la Hoya and Steve Trevor fuck Felipe CarsonĬole Ryan returns home for his father’s funeral. What a coincidence!.Īfter that he’s done a few movies in LA and keeps enjoying being and escort and a dancer in a few bars in New York. One day he thought about doing movies and did a casting for one of the companies in New York and he got cast for two of the movies that they were shooting the following summer out on Fire Island. After the season of the second year was finished that’s when he came back to the city and started escorting. While he was going to school in Colombia, he started working out his body and is still keeping up on it very well.Īfter finishing College he came back to New York and started working as a Hotel Manager on Fire Island and did it for 2 years. After he graduated he went back to Colombia and joined Business School there for four years and got his degree in Hotel Management. He went to High School in Dover, New Jersey and graduated with honors. Hung Latino American Gay Porn Star, Felipe Carsonįelipe Carson was born and raised in Colombia and now he lives in New York.

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