Grindr gay dating

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On another occasion, in 2014, Port drugged another victim, a Muslim man in his early 20s.

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He lost consciousness again, and in the morning Port behaved as if nothing had happened. The victim fell unconscious, before briefly waking while Port was raping him. This “sludge” turned out to be the date-rape drug GHB. Port offered him a glass of wine, which he remembered “tasted bitter”, and he noticed that there was “sludge at the bottom of the glass”. The encounters soon became violent.įor example, one victim said during Port’s trial that in 2012, when he was a teenage student, he met Port on Grindr and went back to his Barking flat. Port used dating apps like Grindr to seek out young gay men, before bringing them back to his apartment for sex. When dating apps became more popular in the early 2010s, Port began trying to make his twisted fantasy a reality.

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He told the inquest jury that one laptop seized by police during their investigation contained “hundreds of thousands of lines of messages” relating to sex, drugs and porn, and that he would view “drug rape” material for “hours at a time”. Giving evidence at during the inquests, DI Mark Richards described how Stephen Port had an “absolutely incessant” obsession with “drug rape” pornography.

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